CyberFM Announcement Regarding Operations and Coronavirus:
Effective immediately, CyberFM Radio suspends ALL On Air Ads.
Distributed Ledger Performance Rights Organization (DLPRO) is a fully distributed workforce that has encouraged a “work from home” mentality since the founding of our company. Our team of employees, contractors, and community members have already adopted tools to empower communication and workflow remotely. Our team plans to remain fully operational throughout the duration of the COVID-19 outbreak.
Well you can’t turn him into a company man
You can’t turn him into a whore
And the boys upstairs just don’t understand anymore
What we are witnessing today is unprecedented! This is a very difficult time for many of our radio advertisers and humanity in general. We are aware that many of our fans are using our offerings to help distribute awareness and updates as it relates to this pandemic. Currently, the COVID-19 pandemic has turned our economies and our daily lives upside down.
As we witness some larger companies taking advantage of this global crisis, we also recognize that small businesses are struggling to stay afloat. Social distancing is straining the income of small businesses, ultimately leading to layoffs, credit risks, and budget cuts. We are empathetic to this situation. After all, CyberFM was founded during the Great Recession over 12 years ago. As such, we would like to help mitigate some of the rudimentary costs small businesses incur, alleviating some of the financial strain.
We understand the vital role that Radio plays in terms of Advertising. Frankly, that’s our industry and although we serve you, our listeners, it’s the Advertising Revenue that serves as one of our main sources of income and helps keep our business afloat.
With that being said…
As an entity that was formed during the Great Recession, we absolutely know what it’s like to question if outside environments will affect success. We survived, we did well, and we are “putting our money where our mouth is.”
Here is our plan…
We are removing all on-air advertising that is routinely heard on our broadcasts immediately. We are NOT a major billion-dollar corporation like some of our competitors. We struggle alongside everyone to keep our operations afloat and enjoy our success. But also, we are NOT unhealthy. In fact, we’ve done quite well.
CyberFM can afford to remove these advertisements and replace them with two highly prioritized initiatives. This rollout will NOT be immediate, but will begin as soon as possible. It is our duty as a communications provider to literally provide communications and we will continue to fulfill our duties during this pandemic. We are making it a priority to relay necessary information worldwide, and as we receive it, we will allocate time to share it with our listeners.
Our Health & Wellness initiative:
As the Ad Council slowly rolls out Public Service Announcements, they will be maintained on all of our Channels. From what we’ve seen so far, they relate to precautionary actions, staying abreast of regulations, and facts vs. fear.
Our Small Business initiative:
Being a National Advertiser, we will assist small businesses when local Ad delivery proves challenging. We are putting our best foot forward to alleviate the costs of advertising for businesses that can equally suffer on a national level. For example, Online Agencies, Startups, and .Coms that rely on sales and revenue models that can be affected by “Social Distancing.” The costs to these approved advertisers will remain at $0.00 eCPM during the length of this current pandemic.
There’s some things you just can’t put in the minds of those kids
As we celebrate mediocrity all the boys upstairs wanna see
How much you’ll pay for what you used to get for free
We worry that many may lose a moral compass / moral center and we here at CyberFM want to counteract that. So, while others may cite price increases under their breath or continue invoicing companies that are fighting to stay above the high watermark, “we have your back”.
And there goes the last DJ
Who plays what he wants to play
And says what he wants to say
Cryptocurrency payments remain completely unaffected. Tokenization of an economics model does indeed prove to be fluid and so far, invincible to outside elements! Listeners will continue to earn CYFM ERC20 Tokens with absolutely no changes. Business will continue as usual, with payments on the first of every month and the added benefit of less commercial interruption. And just like that, we hope we are making an international emergency feel just a small percentage more calming.
“Frankly, we do NOT expect the larger Online Radio outlets to take this initiative. So we will. We will set the precedent and assist those in any way that we can.”- James Tylee
This news posting is mostly directed towards the businesses and companies that are potentially affected by lack of revenue and employment. This includes other resources that may be delayed such as loans, grants, and bailouts by the government. If you go down, we go down with you. We are riding this roller coaster right alongside the smaller businesses that may be harmed. The spoiler alert is… We will survive! As long as we know how to love, we know we’ll stay alive!
Side effects include: Uncontrollable dancing, insomnia, laughing out loud in public libraries, excessive internet usage and a stiffy… If the stiffy lasts more than four hours… Don’t call your doctor. A majority of CyberFM Broadcasts are through 3rd Party Radio Networks. We have asked them to follow our lead and remove advertising on our streams, but we can’t force them to.
Be sure to tune into pure CyberFM Broadcasts and find your favorite channel via our Desktop Webplayer. Or for those of you on the go, we have our Mobile Application for Android and iOS devices.
Well he got a new station down in Mexico
And some times it will kinda come in
And I’ll bust a move
And remember how it was back then
In true CyberFM tradition, here is the song that motivated our thought process and the lyrics that you had no idea were being subconsciously thrown at you in between. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.